
Columbia College

Located in Vancouver, Columbia College is a fast prospering and internationally reputed community college of British Columbia. Well-established in 1936, this innovative and generous columbia college is owned and administered by a non-profit academic society, named the Columbia College Society. This immensely supportive institution to the high school leavers and adults belonging to Canada and surrounding foreign countries, offers a variety of programs to facilitate their further academic or vocational studies at career colleges and universities.

The columbia college degree programs are duly recognized by almost all local universities of British Columbia, and therefore, admit students readily into their bachelor's degree programs in the second or third year. This benevolent community college is well-equipped with all necessary education and student facilities and services, including the facilities and services like Academic Information, Clubs and Activities, Awards and Scholarships, Health Services, Employment Opportunities, Student Orientation, and Library. Every coming week, this Columbia college organizes many sports related exciting events.

Columbia College Degree Programs & Admission

Broadly, the columbia college courses fall under the following main categories:
  • University Transfer Programs: These programs prepare students for entry into the second or third year of the university programs, through offering university-level studies in a congenial and cozy environment of a smaller college. Students then can be smoothly transferred to local universities of the British Columbia, such as the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University and the University of Victoria; and also to many international universities. (see www.bctransferguide.ca.)
  • Associate Degrees Programs: These two-year programs of columbia college vancouver, offer the Associate of Arts Degrees. These degrees can act as a significant stand-alone qualification, and forms the basis for admission into the third year of any bachelor's degree program at any university. The most of the universities and public research universities of British Columbia give due weight to the Associate Degree programs, and to the holders of such degrees in their admissions, along with some specific or additional course requirements. During the course of such programs the subjects covered are Humanities and Arts, English, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Sciences, Computer Science, Laboratory Science, etc.
  • Grade 11 - 12 University Foundation Programs: These programs prepare high school leavers for ready entry into the academic programs of the universities. To suit diverse requirements of different students and adults, there are five different foundation programs offered by this columbia college canada, all being well-adorned with a diploma or certificate. These programs are - Accelerated Program; Senior Secondary Program; Adult Secondary Program; High School Completion Program; and University Preparatory Program.
  • Academic/General ESL Programs: These programs are designed to improve the English of the domestic and international students, as per the requirements of English communication and literature in universities.

For getting information regarding the admissions to the courses of this college, and the requirements for these, please visit the webpage: http://www.columbiacollege.ca/admissions/requirements.
